By Joanna
Seidman Wynes, Esq.
Planner, The Settlement Alliance
When a disabled individual anticipates receiving a recovery
in a personal injury settlement, questions often arise about existing
disability benefits. Will accepting money from an injury settlement affect a
claimant’s disability benefits? Is the type of disability benefit relevant?
Keep reading to find out.
SSDI vs. SSI: What is
the difference?
There tends to be some confusion surrounding Social Security
Disability (SSD or SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). It is
important to distinguish between the two, because not only does each have
unique eligibility requirements, but the manner in which they are viewed when it comes to settlement is
vastly different.
Social Security Disability (SSD/SSDI) benefits are available
to disabled individuals who have worked and contributed to the Social Security
trust fund via FICA tax. In some instances, a disabled individual may receive
SSDI benefits as the result of Social Security contributions from their spouse
or their parents. SSDI is considered an “entitlement benefit.”
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federally funded
supplemental income program that provides financial assistance to low-income
disabled, blind, and aged individuals. SSI is considered a “needs-based”
government benefit.
How does a settlement
affect each of these benefits?
Individuals who receive Social Security Disability (SSDI)
have essentially met eligibility requirements by paying into the social
security system and by being classified as disabled by the Social Security
Administration’s standards. A personal injury settlement will not affect SSDI
benefits; however, a workers’ compensation indemnity settlement may impact
these benefits as discussed in further detail below.
On the other hand, one of the main eligibility requirements
for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is an asset test. In fact, assets as low
as $2000 can disqualify an individual from receiving SSI benefits ($3000 if
married). Accepting a cash settlement would likely disrupt SSI eligibility.
Strategies for Protecting
SSI Benefits
Many disabled individuals who are involved in personal
injury settlements find the loss of government benefit eligibility
catastrophic. Necessary expenditures such as surgical procedures, prescription
medications, therapy, home modifications, and skilled nurses can quickly eat up
settlement proceeds. Most simply cannot afford to lose access to their
needs-based government benefits.
A special needs trust (SNT) is a type of trust specifically
reserved for disabled individuals that allows them to access their settlement
proceeds within the trust to pay for their needs. At the same time, by placing
settlement proceeds into an SNT, a disabled person may be able to preserve their
eligibility for SSI benefits.
SSDI and Workers’
Compensation Benefits
It is important to note that if the injury or illness is
work-related, workers may not be eligible to receive the full amount of SSDI
benefits and their full workers’ compensation benefits simultaneously. Social
Security will calculate the reduction of SSDI benefits, called an “offset,”
based on a combination of factors that may vary by state. Diverting a portion
or all of the settlement proceeds into a structured settlement annuity may help
a workers’ compensation claimant minimize the impact of a reduction in SSDI
In Conclusion: Be
Mindful of Timing
To help prevent the loss of
benefit eligibility, the full scope of a claimant’s government benefit
eligibility should be determined as early as possible in the settlement process.
Furthermore, the earlier the claimant is presented with their various options
for settlement, the better chance they have of
making informed decisions that will help them preserve both their settlement
and their government benefit eligibility.
Seidman Wynes, Esq. and The Settlement
Alliance are proud Platinum Sponsors of Maryland Association for Justice. The
Settlement Alliance provides comprehensive settlement planning services
including structured settlements, trust planning, government benefit
preservation, attorney fee deferrals, qualified settlement fund & claims
administration, lien resolution, Medicare Set-Asides, non-qualified
settlements, and bankruptcy & probate coordination. For more information,
or contact Joanna at
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