Monday, February 4, 2013

Just Announced: Call for 2013 MAJ Awards Nominations

The Maryland Association for Justice, Inc. (MAJ) has established two (2) awards that may be presented annually. The Trial Lawyer of theYear Award and the Simon K. Walton Civil Justice Award were created by the board of governors to recognize worthy contributions to our justice system.  MAJ members, as well as members of the public, are invited to nominate candidates in accord with the criteria listed below. Submit nominations to the acting Awards Committee (address below), no later than March 1, 2013.  Awards are presented at the MAJ Annual President's Dinner, which will be held in Savage, Maryland, on Saturday,  May 4, 2013.

The MAJ Trial Lawyer of the Year Award may be bestowed annually upon the Maryland trial lawyer or team of trial lawyers (including at least one Maryland lawyer) who made the greatest contribution to the public interest by trying or settling a case of precedential value - precedential either because it changed the law in a way that is beneficial to Marylanders or has, for other reasons, "sent a message" to those who might otherwise trample upon the rights of Maryland citizens.  Nominees may have engaged in a broad range of work that furthers our goal of keeping Maryland families safe, including but not limited to civil rights, consumer rights, workers' rights, human rights, and/or corporate accountability.

Nominations may come from a variety of sources: the general public, attorneys, and MAJ members (including members of MAJ's board of governors).  Up to three (3) finalists are chosen by MAJ's Awards Committee. The winner is voted upon by the board of governors in March. 

Each nominee must qualify under the following criteria: The candidate shall be a person or organization who was injured and/or acted on behalf of injured consumers. The candidate, through his/her work, demonstrated a compassion and commitment to keeping Maryland families safe through advocacy, on behalf of Maryland consumers, and/or on behalf of those seeking to advance or preserve access to the courts.

Nominations may come from a variety of sources: the general public, attorneys, and MAJ members.  Up to three (3) finalists will be chosen by the Awards Committee. The winner is voted upon by the board of governors in March. 

Submissions are due to the MAJ office on or before March 1, 2013.

To submit a nomination in writing, please send the material to:
Maryland Association for Justice, Inc.
Attention:  Awards Committee
6240 Old Dobbin Lane, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21045

Fax: (410) 872-0993

For more information, please call the MAJ office at (410) 872-0990 or email

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